Fans Have Serious Skepticism About The Day Before Being Real

Zombie survival MMO "The Day Before" has seemingly hit yet another roadblock months before its planned release. According to an official statement on developer Fntastic's Twitter account, Steam blocked the game page for "The Day Before." Apparently, the name "The Day Before" had already been trademarked in the United States, and the individual who owns the name reached out to Fntastic. The two are supposedly in the works to settle the issue, but the game's been delayed until November 10 as a result. In addition, a "lengthy" gameplay trailer was also postponed because of the problem, and fans are starting to wonder whether the game is real.


This isn't the game's first delay – "The Day Before" was majorly delayed back in May 2022 as the game switched to Unreal Engine 5. However, this update came one month before the original release date for the game, a fact that had already attracted unsavory attention. A month later, people discovered that the development of "The Day Before" was stranger than it seemed. Fntastic was bringing on unpaid volunteers to work on the game. While Fntastic noted those individuals weren't working on development, it again begged the question of why the studio opted not to pay people for jobs like community moderating and localization.

With the newest updates about the trademarked title and delayed gameplay footage, fans have become even more skeptical about whether "The Day Before" even exists.


No one has seen gameplay yet

Some were already worried about "The Day Before," especially regarding the gameplay shown in the original trailer. It seemed ambitious for a developer and publisher to create when they'd never worked on anything to that caliber before.


However, the recent news was universally met with skepticism from fans. Twitter user Ms5000Watts explained that generally, games are trademarked sometimes years before they're announced, so how did this slip through the cracks if the game was real? Gaming news YouTuber BigfryTV threw shade and asked, "Are your lawyers volunteers too," referencing the notion that gameplay is being pushed back because Fntastic said they were working with lawyers before releasing anything.

Perhaps the oddest thing is that even the Discord mods haven't seen gameplay footage yet. According to Twitter account SkillUpYT, the lead Discord mod for the game confirmed that none of the mods had seen gameplay yet and that they, too, questioned whether "The Day Before" was real. This came just weeks after the same mod announced that raw footage of the game would be released in January.


