Dave Bautista Makes His Stance On The Gears Of War Movie Loud And Clear

It's no secret that actor and former professional wrestler Dave Bautista really wants a "Gears of War" movie. Bautista has his sights set on a specific role, too: Marcus Fenix, the protagonist of the first 3 "Gears of War" games. For a long time, that dream felt distant for Bautista – not because of his abilities, but because of the state of the adaptation itself. A "Gears of War" movie was in the works back in 2007, but little information has surfaced since then, leading many to believe the project was dead in the water. Now, things are changing, and Bautista wants in.


The "Gears of War" movie is getting a fresh start with streaming service Netflix. There will be both a "Gears of War" movie and adult animated series – a la "Arcane" – which means there's not one but two opportunities for Bautista to star as Marcus Fenix. The projects are completely new, and any previous plans for the film have been completely tossed out. In other words, now is the perfect time to contract a new star that has endless enthusiasm for the role, and Bautista has made his stance on the new project loud and clear.

Bautista imagines himself in the role

The casting choice makes sense, and many fans want Netflix to give Bautista a shot at the role. More importantly, though, Bautista is enthusiastic about the project, and he isn't afraid to let everyone know about it.


After the news of Netflix taking over the "Gears of War" project broke, Bautista quickly got to work. He soon posted an epic video to his Twitter, imagining what he'd look like as Marcus. The brief clip shows Bautista opening a box containing a powersuit. He then looks up at the camera and says, "This is my kind of s***" before appearing in the armor. Bautista directly tagged Netflix and the official "Gears of War" account, telling them, "I can't make this any easier." The video was a clear sign of interest from Bautista, letting Netflix know he's still interested even after all these years.

"Gears of War" developer Cliff Bleszinksi supports Bautista in the role of Marcus, and it's clear that the whole team behind the games likely has a lot of love for the actor. After all, he was added to "Gears of War 5" when it got a next-gen upgrade, finally accomplishing his dream of being in the game. While Netflix hasn't responded yet, fans definitely can't wait to see what happens next.


