Adriana Chechik Reveals Extent Of Heartbreaking Injuries In Return Stream

Twitch is a company with a shady past. From allegations of favoritism to criticism about the site platforming gambling, Twitch has had its fair share of controversy over the years. These controversies, combined with enticing offers from YouTube, culminated in a mass exodus of Twitch, with many prominent content creators, such as Ludwig, leaving the site. And it seems like Twitch has dropped the ball once again, but this time the repercussions for the company's actions were very serious, with one content creator ending up in the hospital.


During the semi-annual Twitch event, Twitchcon, where content creators and fans meet up and socialize, disaster struck. At Twitchon's Lenovo booth, attendees were given an opportunity to compete in foam jousting matches. The goal of the jousting match was to knock the other person off of their platform into the foam pit below. However, according to reports, the foam pit wasn't quite as deep as it looked, and streamers who jumped into it were in for a rough landing.

As a result, when Twitch streamer Adriana Chechik jumped from her platform into the pit, her back broke in two places. After the incident, Chechik was rushed to the hospital and had to get a metal rod implanted. But once she finally returned to live streaming weeks later, she revealed that the injury had even more heartbreaking consequences than imagined.


Chechik has had a difficult recovery

In the days following the injury and her subsequent surgery, Adriana Chechik revealed the extent of her injuries, writing on Twitter that there were "more fusions than expected, bones completely crushed & nerve damage to my bladder." And weeks later, when she returned to streaming, Chechnik showed off the gnarly scar the surgery left her with. 


Chechik had some complications after her surgery, keeping fans updated on her condition and sharing her struggles online. Shortly after her first surgery, Chechik tweeted, "Tried sitting up today in PT, I would rather die than do that again. I hate this my whole body hates it. I don't want to be tough. I don't want to be brave I cried for a hour and the pain is so immense through all the meds im on." The raw emotion of Chechik's confession inspired others to share their own tough experiences with injuries and physical therapy. Even though she initially felt like she wouldn't be able to perform simple tasks like sitting up or walking, Chechik quickly shared progress of her recovery, celebrating every milestone she accomplished. Even walking to the bathroom to freshen up became a reason to be thankful.


Soon, Chechik got to return to her home, but that didn't mean that her pain or recovery was over. The gamer shared that she had intense migraines every time she sat up, but that small victories kept her going. The streamer felt emotional when taking a shower at home for the first time, but continued to live her life and attempt to get back to something resembling normal. However, the stress wasn't the only heartbreaking result of Chechik's injuries. She kept one sad detail to herself in the days after surgery, revealing it once she returned to streaming.

She was pregnant

Throughout her recovery, Chechik has urged fans and the media in general to allow her to heal in peace. The attention she received because of where her injury took place only added pressure to the situation, as many fans and observers felt they knew what was best for the streamer legally and medically. However, when she returned to stream Chechik was ready to share some details about her experience, including some shocking news she discovered once she arrived at the hospital.


Later, Adriana Chechik revealed that she was pregnant at the time of her injury. She added that she was unaware of the pregnancy during Twitchcon and only found out once she arrived at the hospital and was being treated for her injuries. However, she explained that due to the surgery, her pregnancy was terminated. And in turn, her hormones were greatly affected, according to the streamer. Fluctuating hormones and added anxiety haven't helped the streamer during her recovery process.

Following the reveal, many urged the content creator to file a lawsuit against Twitch. And she might not be the only one able to file a lawsuit, as multiple attendees reported being injured in the pit. But as Jake Lucky pointed out, it's unlikely Chechik would publicly speak about a potential lawsuit. So, fans will likely have to wait until a lawsuit is filed to know more.


